For Teachers


KnowBC is a growing resource for history and information regarding British Columbia. It started with the Encyclopedia of British Columbia (EBC) when it was first made available online in 2001, and since then KnowBC's catalogue has continued to expand. Now KnowBC has over a dozen books that cover a substantial number of topics including Indigenous history, marine life, British Columbia's role in World War I, and much more. The information KnowBC provides is frequently updated and more books will be added in the future. KnowBC has proved a valuable and reliable resource for students and teachers throughout British Columbia. We are pleased to present this teachers’ resource, highlighting KnowBC content and how it intersects with BC's current educational curriculum.

The Encyclopedia of British Columbia is a BC-written archive of all things British Columbian and an authoritative source of local knowledge. It allows students and teachers to explore the breadth and depth of contemporary British Columbia, as well as the province’s rich history. The EBC fills the need for a comprehensive reference on British Columbia, but also provides teachers with an unprecedented opportunity to integrate rich, BC-specific material into the classroom. It is easily accessible to students in the intermediate and secondary grades. It is well laid out and cross-referenced. The reading level of most articles makes them quite navigable for good readers. The BC Ministry of Education has recognized the EBC’s importance as a learning resource through a licensing agreement that has made the EBC available to schools throughout British Columbia.



During World War II people were so worried about an invasion that children in school practiced wearing gas masks in case of an enemy attack. Vancouver Public Library Special Collections 44965

Social Studies Model Lesson

Themes for Research Papers



While the examples given are for Social Studies K to 3Social Studies 4Social Studies 5 to 6Social Studies 7 to 9, Social Studies 10Social Studies 11First Peoples 12, and Science K to 7, there are many other curriculum subjects with BC content including: Earth Science 11, Geology 12, Geography 12, 9, 10 and Sustainable Resources 11 and 12.

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